Everything you Need to Know about Lip Fillers

Public interest in lip augmentation and plastic surgery is at an all-time high.  There is still a negative stigma and misinformation surrounding the cosmetic surgery industry. However, the reduction in lip filler cost has only caused the love for lip filler to increase. 

Hyaluronic acid filler can provide many benefits aside from the plumped-up look. There are many reasons that people seek aestheticians for lip injections. Many younger patients want a bit more fullness in their lip shape. Older clients generally want their lips to correct the volume loss that happens over time.

More than 3.4 million patients sought soft-tissue filler in 2020. Lip augmentation is one of the most complicated non-invasive facial enhancements a person can get. Read on for more information about maintaining symmetry between your upper lip and lower lip, lip products, and ways you can get your desired result of fuller lips. 

Lip injection

Lip Filler

Dermal filler is one of the most popular noninvasive treatments. The lips are one of the most requested spots from patients. A wide variety of dermal filler lip injection options allow doctors to customize each patient’s lip filler treatment according to their specific concerns.  Everyone’s body is different, so it’s hard to predict whether any bruising will surface after your lip injections. 

Whether you’re looking to sharpen the contour of your lip, balance lip proportion, restore volume, or add hydration to smooth out subtle cracks. Lip injections are popular so it’s important to remember that it has very real risks when done incorrectly. Consider speaking with a lip injection professional in your community about the lip filler options available to you. 

Lip Fillers Options

Dermal fillers fall into two categories: hyaluronic acid fillers and bio-stimulators. Hyaluronic acid fillers are most commonly used for lip injections. Doctors tend to favor hyaluronic-acid based fillers because they are temporary, reversible, and build upon the foundation of hyaluronic acid that is already found in the body.

When hyaluronic acid fillers are injected into the lips, it works to attract water, which in turn, adds volume to the region where it was injected. Some lip fillers contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic that numbs the lips during the procedure. 

Lip filler can solve a range of patient concerns, and where it’s injected depends upon what the patient is looking to address. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in your body, but still must be handled with care.  

Miami Lip Customization

Many prospective patients look to go for a subtle, done-undone aesthetic. Lips come in all shapes and sizes and can also be asymmetrical. A more symmetrical look is the second reason that people come in for corrective lip procedures. 

Many upper lip patients bring in photos of their younger selves because their lips have lost their shape. This causes lipstick blurs and bleeds onto the skin surrounding the lip liner. Carefully placed filler can help restore volume lost over time. Increasing the naturally occurring substance that moisturizes and plums your lips can help to blur those fine vertical lines around the lip. 

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that can trap moisture, making it ideal for people who have chronically chapped lips. The types of filler you choose will affect how long lip fillers last for you and your treatment options. Vida & Co can help you find the best lips treatment option for you. 

Types of Lips Filler

There’s a wide variety of filler types out there.  The lip area is temperamental and requires care to meet its special need.  If your doctor is using only one type of filler product versus a range of filler options, that should be a red flag. This could mean they’re being subsidized by that brand. This can also mean they are not evaluating your face for which filler would work best for you.

Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are the premium option for most soft-tissue areas due to their texture, appearance, movement, and reversibility in case of emergency or undesired effects. Juvéderm, Volbella, and Restylane Silk are much thinner and can be used to make the lip look a little bit puffier. 

Injection Prep

Every physician outlines their own rules before and after a lip procedure.  Most aestheticians in Florida agree that 48 hours prior, patients should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, taking blood thinners, and using dietary supplements, like St. John’s Wort, vitamin E, and fish oil, because they soften the blood, which can lead to a higher chance of bruising and swelling.

By following the proper routine, you can cut out a lot of side effects. Since most side effects are preventable, your beauty aesthetician can guide you on how to proactively prevent bruising and swelling.

Womens face

Lip FIller Risks

A discussion about potential risks and complications is important so that patients understand that lip treatments are not serious. Since they are medical procedures with real risks and potential downtime, there’s a lot to know and expect going into treatment.

Although lip injections are a low-risk procedure, complications can arise. The most common side effects include pain, bleeding, and swelling, which all subside within a few days. More serious side effects can include severe swelling and bruising, infections, blood flow complications, and vessel blockages. 

Choosing a reputable physician for your procedure can help you to be satisfied with your lip procedure. Allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid are rare since it’s naturally produced by the body, but reactions to numbing agents can happen. Inform your provider if you are allergic to lidocaine or other numbing treatments.

Lip augmentations can also reactivate herpes simplex flare-ups. If you have a history of cold sores, start taking prevention medication a few days prior to treatment. Bruising, unevenness, and filler bumps are all possible drawbacks. 

A board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon will ensure you choose the correct injection site as they’ve gone through years of medical training. Vida & Co can be counted on to dive right in to nullify the damage that may have occurred. 

Lip Filler FAQs

Want to get lip fillers, then it’s important to speak with a lip filler physician. Your lip filler appointment can answer a lot of your questions and help you get started on your lip filler process. Read on for more information on your burning questions. 

Can you get rid of lip fillers?

Hyaluronic acid fillers naturally dissolve over time. If you decide to get rid of your fillers, your provider can inject your lips with an enzyme called hyaluronidase. This will cause the immediate dissolving of fillers, and full results of the reversal will appear in a few days.

Are lip fillers for everyone?

A board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon knows how to temper your expectations. An experienced injector can tell whether the skin of the lip is going to expand enough to accommodate more filler. If you start injecting filler into the wrong lip it can have adverse effects.

A sudden and significant influx of volume amplifies troublesome complications. Compressed blood vessels and strained lip tissue can stretch the mucosal lip out too much. There’s a greater chance that the filler is going to migrate up or push up and overflow” into the area above the Cupid’s bow. 

The technique employed by your physician can dictate the potential for side effects and their severity level. Stick to the board-certified doctors with experience in service and reputable recommendations. 

Do lip fillers hurt?

Generally, a needle in the face can be intense. Many doctors apply a numbing cream and let it absorb before injecting.  Many patients find it helpful. The lips are brimming with vessels and arteries. These vessels don’t like to be stuck.  Your pain threshold will ultimately determine the hurt you feel. 

How do I make a lip filler recovery?

It’s important to reduce swelling as much as possible by enlisting the assistance of ice packs, arnica, vitamin K, and bromelain. We also suggest you avoid exercising and taking certain medications. 

Womens face

How long until the final look appears?

In the first few days after the injection, you could experience uneven bruising and swelling. This may happen until your lips are in your favorable position. It can take up to two weeks to let it all settle down. Be patient before making any decisions about whether you like it or not and before you add more lip reshaping.

How long do lip fillers last?

Most doctors estimate that lip fillers last from six to 12 months. Filler metabolizes faster in young, physically active patients and enjoys a high metabolism. Smaller amounts of the injection last a shorter amount of time. Most people come back every six to 12 months. 

How much do lip fillers cost?

Your lip filler cost varies depending on the injector, the city, and the number of syringes injected. A good range to expect at a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon’s office is between $700 and $1,000. 

Although lip injections cost anywhere from $550 to $2,000, you’re likely to need to top off the lip filler every six to nine months.  However, it’s imperative to find the right aesthetician to answer your questions and provide valuable information and feedback. 

What’s the difference between a lip flip and a lip injection?

Generally, lip flips don’t involve filler. Instead of Juvéderm or Restylane, the lips are injected with small amounts of neurotoxin, like Botox or Dysport, that relax the muscle right around the lips. This causes the lip to protrude, thereby giving the lips a poutier exterior. 

Is filler the best option for me?

Filler is a great option for someone who is looking to add volume to their lips. A Botox lip flip has been a helpful option for those with thinner lips and a gummy smile to provide a naturally enhanced lip without adding volume. 

When you’re unsure which treatment is best for your lips, book a consultation with an aesthetician. Vida & Co can help you review your options before making a decision. Permanent and semi-permanent fillers are not reversible, and little can be done to fix them. 

We examine each client’s lips for symmetry and overall shape so the filler can be placed accordingly. If someone wants a fuller lip, the best option is often to gradually add filler over time, so it looks natural. It’s vital to find a physician who’s going to keep you on track. Lip injections are a very personal and transformative process, working with someone who understands will be better in the long haul. 

How to do proper lip injections?

One syringe distributed appropriately is usually the right amount for most people to start.  It’s possible to maintain a natural appearance while getting lip filler injections. Gradual plumping is key, More than one syringe is typically too much for most people seeking a natural appearance.

Are lip fillers dangerous?

Fillers are commonly considered a lunch break procedure because of their quickness for this procedure. Plastic surgeons commonly deliver this potentially invasive procedure, but there is always the possibility of side effects and risks.

A highly experienced board-certified professional, like a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, can help you to choose the correct procedure. Ask to see before and after pictures of what the doctor has done in the past, and also look at any work done to the staff members. A good recommendation can make a huge difference in whether you decide to spend your money on a beauty aesthetician in Miami.

What do I need to know before getting lip fillers?

Before your lip injection appointment, make sure to avoid certain items. Blood thinners make the lip area more prone to bruising and bleeding.  So up 10 days prior, it’s vital to stop taking painkillers, fish oil, and vitamin E. It’s also a good idea not to drink alcohol.  Keep in mind a lip procedure could cause lip sores to flare up. 

What to expect during my lip treatment?

Your provider will want to make your injections as pain-free as possible. They’ll also give you aftercare instructions to assist with your transition.  Many doctors administer a topical numbing cream or a numbing injection to numb your experience. You’ll still likely feel pressure from the injection, but numbing agents will dull the painful parts of it. 

After your treatment, your lips can look a bit bruised and swollen. These effects should mostly subside within a few days and be resolved within two weeks. Our aesthetic clinic in Miami looks forward to helping our clients look and feel their best. Our mission is simple: combine the best of nature and technology to address the human body’s needs.

At Vida & Co, we provide clients with the best aesthetic services. Get in touch with one of our specialists and let them offer step-by-step guidance on your treatment. If you have any questions or wish to book an appointment, contact us today!

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