
Photo of Botox Injection

Botox Aftercare

Once you have Botox injections with Vida & Co, it’s important to follow proper Botox aftercare procedures for your best results. Thankfully, there is no recovery time. You can return to most activities like work or classes right away.

However, there are a few things you should know to enhance your Botox treatments through aftercare.

Don’t Exercise for 24 Hours

Here’s your ticket to getting out of the gym for the day! When you have Botox treatments, you should wait at least 24 hours before doing any kind of workout. In some cases, it may be best to wait a few days.

Because physical activities increase your blood flow, exercise has the potential to spread the toxin to other areas. This reduces effectiveness at the treated site and can increase your risk for bruising.

Additionally, your muscles contract during exercise. This can decrease the effectiveness of your Botox treatments.

Do Face Exercises

You can smile, frown, or raise your eyebrows. In fact, these movements can help reveal the effects of your Botox injections more quickly.

Don’t Wear Makeup

When you’ve had Botox treatments injected into your face, you’ll need to avoid wearing makeup for 24 hours. You don’t want to rub your skin and disperse it to other areas.

Keep Upright

Aftercare for Botox also requires that you don’t lie down or bend. Sitting upright for the first 4 hours after your injections will give you the best results.

Don’t Take Medications Without Asking Your Doctor

If you’re taking any medications, it’s a good idea to touch base with your doctor. Certain ones may increase your risk of bruising.

Stay Away from Alcoholic Beverages

Prior to getting your Botox injections, you shouldn’t consume any alcoholic beverages for 24 hours because of the increased risk of bruising. This is also true after the injections. You should wait another 24 hours before you toast to your new, more youthful appearance.

Keep Your Hands Off

While it’s hard to keep your hands off your face, you need to be aware that touching your face could spread this toxin around. Avoid touching your face for at least a day after these injections.

If you’ve had Botox treatments injected into other parts of your body, the same rules apply.

Wait to Have Other Skin Treatments

Because Botox needs a little time to settle into your muscles, you shouldn’t have any other skin treatments for at least 24 hours afterward. Things like massages, facials, dermal fillers, and exfoliating scrubs can reduce the effectiveness of Botox when they’re administered too soon after your injections.

Watch How You Sleep

You’ll want to do your part to keep physical pressure off the treated area so the Botox can settle into those muscles. When you sleep, take care not to press your face or other treated parts onto your mattress or pillows.

Since you need to sit up for about 4 hours after the injections, it’s a good idea to schedule your Botox treatments well before you plan to go to sleep.

Don’t Go Out in the Sun

Sun exposure is a no-no for Botox aftercare. It can be tricky with Miami’s intense sun rays, though you can cover up with a wide-brimmed hat or use an umbrella to keep the rays off of you.

You’ll want to avoid sun exposure for a minimum of 4 hours afterward as the heat can cause flushing as well as increase your blood pressure. Both of these things can lead to bruising.

Ideally, you’ll keep out of the sun for 24 to 48 hours. Other forms of heat exposure should also be avoided, including tanning beds, hot showers or baths, hot tubs, and saunas.

What’s Normal After Botox?

When you get Botox treatments, you may experience some redness and swelling. The treated area may also feel tender. These are all normal side effects after Botox, which tend to go away in a day.

Bruising commonly happens too. Ice packs can give you relief from them. Expect that if you see any bruising, it may take up to 2 weeks to clear up.

What’s not normal is if you have trouble swallowing, muscle weakness, difficulty speaking or breathing, changes to your vision, or poor bladder control after Botox. These signs are extremely rare, although if you see any of them, they all require immediate medical attention.

Vida & Co: Your Botox Specialists

As Miami’s leader in cosmetic treatments, we are experts in administering Botox to give you the look you desire. After having your Botox treatments, we advise you to follow these aftercare tips.

If you’re unsure about any activity post-injection, our expert staff is happy to guide you and answer your questions to ensure you look your absolute best after Botox.

With over 80,000 treatments performed, come see why clients choose Vida & Co.

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